Looking after our general mental health is important - especially if we have OCD. Combining that with the fact that OCD can exist alongside other conditions and disorders, it's helpful to have access to some general mental health resources too, so let's get them down!
Charities and Organisations
Gives advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem and campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals.
Telephone: Parents’ helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)
Place2Be is a children and young people's mental health charity with almost 30 years' experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools. Also has an amazing book list.
Mental health services for children and young people
HOPElineUK 0800 068 4141 (9am to midnight, every day of the year)
Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Telephone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.
Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
CALM is the Campaign Against Living Miserably, for men aged 15 to 35.
Charity focusing on Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours such as skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting and associated behaviours.
BDD (Body Dysmorphic) Foundation
Relieving suffering for people with BDD, while advancing research, treatments and awareness of the condition.
Maternal Mental Health Alliance
A Maternal mental Health Charity made up of 125 difference organisations
Lions in a Flap
Sue Graves
The Truth Pixie
Matt Haig
The Truth Pixie Goes to School
Matt Haig
The Huge Bag of Worries
Virginia Ironside
Don't worry be happy
A Child's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
You're a star
A Child's Guide to Self Esteem
Looking after your Mental Health
Usbourne books
You are Awesome
Matthew Syed
What's Going on Inside my Head?
Sarah Jennings
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Workout for Teens: Skills and Exercises from ACT and CBT for Healthy Thinking
Paula Nagal
My Intense Emotions Handbook: Manage Your Emotions and Connect Better with Others
Sue Knowles
Be Resilient: How to Build a Strong Teenage Mind for Tough Times
Nicola Morgan
A Better Day: Your Positive Mental Health Handbook - Winner of the Children's Non-Fiction Book of the Year 2023
Dr Alex George
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
Dr Julie Smith
I've used this website to help support the therapy I've had in the past and the homework that I do now. It provides CBT self help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets.
There are loads of mental health communities on the internet and across social media. Some are generalised mental health groups, others are more specific focusing on particular conditions and disabilities. They can stop you feeling alone and you can share well-being tips..
PLEASE remember that although it’s fantastic to find people who have been through similar to us, and to feel the massive relief that we are not alone, it is also essential that we focus on our own well-being. If the communities you find no longer suit you, move on. It can be easy to get dragged into unhelpful chit chat that leaves you feeling worse.
Please make sure you look after yourself when you are online. The title 'therapist' is not a protected title in this country, literally anyone can say they are a therapist with no training at all. Make sure you read up on their qualifications and check they are registered with the right bodies. For Cognitive Behavioural Therapy therapists should be registered with the BACPB.
For more information on how to safely use the services of advocates please check out this blog.
And just a quick note to say that in England if you are feeling very poorly you are advised to head to your local A and E department. Or if you have been given a crisis number by your Dr to ring them and they can get help to you. Please do this if you need to, there is no shame in it, I’ve done it! It takes a strong person to realise they need support. You’re far too important not to ask for it.
Lots of love everyone.
Cat x